Without volunteers, we couldn’t exist.
If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of homeless women and children – those who have the most need for healthcare, yet have the least access – call us at 704-334-0000 or email info@shsclinic.org. We can discuss what volunteer opportunities best fit your schedule and interests.
Medical Volunteers:
We are always looking for medical volunteers. We provide “gap” or “transitional” care, taking care of the “now” so they can be healthier in the future. Volunteer physicians, NPs, PAs, RNs, MAs and CNAs are always needed. Valid North Carolina medical license is required. Physicians must have malpractice insurance coverage.
- Typical duties include medical physicals and exams, medication prescriptions and refills and chronic disease screenings and diagnoses
- Flexible hours and schedules that meet your availability
- No commitments to number of days or hours
- Easy to use electronic medical records system
- Formalized in-clinic orientation
- Professional, experienced support staff of Medical Assistant and Registered Nurse
Non-Medical Volunteers:
We periodically need lay volunteers to help plan fundraising events, organize and send out fundraising mailers, inventory medical supplies and assist in general office and housekeeping duties. Flexible hours and schedules. No commitment.
Want to get started?
Visit the clinic between 1:30-5:30 Monday through Friday. Call us at 704-334-0000 or email info@shsclinic.org to discuss volunteering or schedule a visit. Feel the appreciation of those who need healthcare the most, yet without the clinic would have the least access. Explore how you can make a difference.